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Monday, January 30, 2012

Required TSCA CDR Rule Starts

Important: Wednesday February 1st starts TSCA's Chemical Data Reporting Rule (CDR). The Form U submission deadline is June 30th 2012.
Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) Rule Changed to the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) Rule.

Do you need help with the CDR reporting process? Do you have to report under the CDR? Are you confused about the CDR process? 
Contact me ( for help!

If you manufactured, imported, generated as a byproduct, or produced a chemical substance for commercial purposes in quantities greater than 25,000 lbs during the calendar year of 2011 you may be required to report under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) Rule. The CDR replaces the Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) Rule that was used for prior reporting years. (details below)

2012 CDR Overview
   Manufacturers, importers, and producers of TSCA Inventory-listed (listed) chemical substances.
       Manufactured, imported, or processed listed chemicals for commercial purposes.
       With a 2011 production volume of 25,000 lb or greater at a site.
       Unless otherwise exempted.
   Manufacturers (including importers) are required to report full manufacturing data for calendar year 2011 and production volume only for calendar year 2010 for all reportable chemical substances when 2011 site-specific production volume equals or exceeds 25,000 lb.
    Manufacturers, (including importers) are required to report processing and use data for calendar year 2011, for all reportable chemical substances, when 2011 site-specific production volume equals or exceeds 100,000 lb.
      Inorganic chemicals are no longer exempt.
        The submission period is February 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012.
    Submitters are required to use e-CDR web, the CDR reporting tool, and EPA’s Central    Data Exchange (CDX) to create and submit Form U electronically.
     Form U is used to submit the required CDR information.
    EPA will no longer accept paper submissions or electronic media, such as diskettes or CD-Roms. 
     Submitters must first register with CDX to access e-CDR web.

EPA has amended the reporting requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) rule and changed the name to the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule. The CDR rule requires manufacturers of certain chemical substances listed on the TSCA Chemical Substances Inventory to report information about the manufacturing, importing, processing, and use of those chemical substances. The amendments were made to improve information so EPA can better identify and take steps to manage risks associated with chemical substances.
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